,Malaysia, Nicaragua,adultery

Saturday, January 29, 2005


He might listen but would he hear them ?

President Bush and Europeans
Iran, Syria, North Korea, Pakistan
SpongeBob Square Pants and Rev. Dobson

Thomas Friedman, in his column in The NY Times (1/27/05) recommends that during his forthcoming trip to Europe, instead of giving speeches President Bush gives the Europeans his ears.


We would see pictures of the president sitting at tables with heads of European nations. But would he hear them ? Colin Powell understood Europe and the Middle East. He got rolled over by the hardliners. One gets the impression that Ms. Rice and the President are probably guided by the same higher authority.

The Iranians (Ayranians according to some) better watch out. Now that we have arranged to provide the Iraqi people with an elected government, there are rumblings that it is their turn to feel the wrath of the United States. Perhaps Syria next. North Korea ? Nah, we don’t want to tackle the North Koreans, they already have the bomb. What about Pakistan ? They provided bomb making know how and material to Libya, Iran and North Korea ? Pakistan is a friendly country, helping us fight al Qaeda, and it was just one man, Dr. A.Q. Khan, who said he was sorry. The Pakistani Government was completely unaware of what was happening. And pigs have wings.

The ever vigilant mandarins of morality have found another threat--the cartoon character SpongeBob Square Pants. A video which includes SpongeBob has been mentioned as "pro-homosexual" by Rev. James Dobson, founder of "Focus on the Family". We can rest assured that our children will be protected from evil influences.

“Contrariwise,” continued Tweedledee, “if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.”
----Lewis Carroll (1832–1898), Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, chapter 4 (1865).

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