,Malaysia, Nicaragua,adultery

Monday, April 04, 2005


Terri Schiavo is dead and cremated

End of the Story?

No, not by a long shot. Despite the polls,that were overwhelmingly against them, the zealots are continuing with their campaign to keep the issue alive and do whatever they can to prevent people from having a choice about making an end of life decision.

"Matters of Life"

Hendrik Hertzberg's comments in The New Yorker (4/4/05) were written a few days before the death of Terri Schiavo. Here is an excerpt.

"..................Without them, there would have been no show--and, more likely, no televised vigils outside her hospice, no cries of 'murder' from Tom DeLay, the egregious House Majority Leader, no midnight special session of the House and Senate; no calling Dr. Frist for a snap video diagnosis; no visuals of President Bush returning from Texas to land on the White House south lawn, striding dramatically across the grass as if it were the deck of an aircraft carrier."

Hertzberg-Matters of Life

Remember the president on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln ("Mission accomplished", May 1,2003) ? Always good at milking photo opportunities.

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