,Malaysia, Nicaragua,adultery

Thursday, July 07, 2005


"There'll always be an England"

The explosions in London July 7, 2005

"There'll always be an England,
And England shall be free
If England means as much to you
As England means to me.
---Parker and Charles

I have friends in London and other cities in England. I have walked the streets where the atrocities took place. My thoughts are with the people of England. After years of tranquility following the IRA attacks, they suffered death and destruction at the hands of a radical Islamic group.

The news revived the horrors of what fanatics can do and how difficult it is to stop them.

The leaders are fulfilling their roles. Giving speeches, assuring their people and vowing to bring the perpetrators to justice.

What lies ahead? We don't know. But I have no doubt that the England and the British people will survive. Survive without destroying what is good about the great and vibrant nation.

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