,Malaysia, Nicaragua,adultery

Thursday, October 07, 2004


President Bush, Iraq, and the fine art of lying

Amazing, now that the truth is out about the case for taking the nation to war, the president and his aides have almost seamlesslessly switched to another tack.

Among the reasons given to justify the war:

***Saddam Hussein was involved in the attacks of 9/11
***Saddam and Osama bin Laden were in cahoots with each other
***Iraq tried to buy high-strength aluminium tubes for developing nuclear weapons
***Possession of documents that showed that Iraq tried to import uranium from Niger
***Two trailers found in Iraq were mobile biological laboratories
***Iraq possessed enough dangerous material to kill the entire population of the world

All of the above have been exposed as lies. What is the latest rationale for war being offered by Bush and his cohorts? Abuses in Iraq's Oil-for-Food program!

Now I have heard it all, or have I. Team Bush is so adept at lying that it will continue to float balloons to divert attention and make the most of the "fear factor". Are the voters, especially those who have family members serving in Iraq and those who have lost loved ones in Bush's war, going to swallow the lies. No doubt some would. The facts that close to 1,100 soldiers have given their lives,billions of dollars lost, and thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed, mean nothing to them. Apathy, ignorance, or just denial?

Maybe, just maybe, the president is taking the gullibility of the voting public a bit too much for granted.

Re-election of George Bush would be the biggest con job pulled on the American people in the history of our republic.

God, Stars & Stripes and Politicians

Last week was a busy one for the Republican led House and Senate. The 108th Congress is winding down. How did the elected legislators spend their time? They were engaged in protecting the Pledge of Allegiance and repealing gun ban in Washington,DC. And what is the Senate, under Bill Frist, pursuing this week? A ban on flag desecration. We must be asleep not to be aware of the danger being faced by our national flag.


“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
----Alice In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

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