,Malaysia, Nicaragua,adultery

Thursday, April 20, 2006


India, New Friend of Bush - Realpolitik or Simple Brown-nosing

Sounds noble but what India is doing is recognizing which side the bread is buttered and to heck with the moral implications of its decision to go to bed with a country which,under G.W. Bush, has adopted an arrogant policy of 'my way or no other way'. Jim Hoagland in the Post: "This lack of nuclear cooperation is the last remaining cobweb from our old relationship, and we can now sweep it aside," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said with an expressive wave of his hand. "There are no other barriers to a more productive, more durable relationship with the United States. The potential is enormous for our two nations."

"Expediency often silences justice."
--- Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

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