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Friday, May 05, 2006


Poor Women, Rich Women, and Unwanted Pregnancies

Failure of Abstinence Education * Murdoch, not Scalia, The Kingmaker !

It is a no brainer---that the rate of unwanted pregnancies is much higher among poor women. This is another issue that highlights the hypocrisy of the Bush administration and some religious bodies responsible for promoting sex education to emphasize abstinence over condoms. Marc Kaufman's report in the Post is based on data collected by National Center for Health Statistics and other sources. "The abortion rate also rose among poor women while declining among the more affluent."

  • Asked what was driving the trends, the authors noted that some state and federal reproductive health programs have been cut or made more restrictive in recent years. State and federal programs have increasingly focused on abstinence rather than contraception, and some analysts have argued that the shift is leading to less use of contraceptives and more unintended pregnancies."

Incidentally, the wise old men in Vatican ".......could permit condoms to battle AIDS has a very narrow scope: married Roman Catholic couples in which one partner has the virus." Mercy.


The Role of Fox News in 2000 Presidential Election

The Fox News Effect, Richard Morin's column in the Post makes interesting reading. It is no secret that Rupert Murdoch's FOX News Channel is an unabashed champion of the Bush administration. In the eye of the management and reporters at FOX, the president can do no wrong. But it has influence. "We report. You decide. Does President Bush owe his controversial win in 2000 to Fox cable television news? Yes, suggest data collected by two economists who found that the growth of the Fox cable news network in the late 1990s may have significantly boosted the Republican Party's share of the vote in the 2000 election and delivered Florida to Bush.

FOX News made an impact in 2004 also. I am not a viewer but I imagine that it is doing what it can to bolster the sagging support for President Bush and the GOP. Come November we shall see how the cookie crumbles.

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