,Malaysia, Nicaragua,adultery

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The Seasons: Heralds of Spring

Heralds of Spring * Haikus

Cold and wet afternoon. We are 30 days away from Spring Equinox. It feels very wintry. Yet there are signs that spring is around the corner. Acacias began showing their plumage a few weeks back; the daffodils alongside Hwy 280 back of the Stanford Dish have made their annual appearance for the pleasure of motorists. And yesterday I noticed blossoms on a cherry tree in a neighbor's yard.


Spring too, very soon!
They are setting the scene for it--
plum tree and moon.
---Basho (1643-1694)

Blossoms on the pear--
and a woman in the moonlight
reads a letter there.
---Buson (1715-1783)

Source: The World of Zen by Nancy Wilson Ross

Chanterelles were late in emerging this season because of lack of rain. The January rains brought them out. Some are still to be found but the delicious mushrooms will be soon gone.

BG in the forest


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