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Wednesday, August 17, 2005


What the President is "Reading" during his Vacation

You could have knocked me down with a feather
OK, maybe he took the books (see list) to Crawford. One of the aides selected them. Maybe they are on the bedside table. But reading them! Slay me with a dragon; "Comfort me with apples".

From The Guardian,UK:
"As well as brush cutting, mountain biking and fishing, the president will also be tucking into Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky during his five-week summer sojourn on his Texas ranch. The other tomes are reported to be Alexander II: the Last Great Tsar by Edvard Radzinsky and The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History by John M Barry.

"There's nothing on that list that is a beach read, or even a busman's holiday," Peter Osnos, of the PublicAffairs publishing house, told the Los Angeles Times. "It's a fair bet that George Bush is the only person in the entire US who chose those three books to read on vacation."

Bookworm Bush's holiday reading

I have my foot out of the door for a trip to the coast. What I am carrying with me to read is much less weighty.

Musafir, I don't think he has finished "My Pet Goat " yet.

Maybe I am "reading" into Bush's choices , but why would he want to read up on the deadliest plague in history?Does he know something?
Musafir, I hope you enjoy your time away .
Isn't it clear he fancies himself a sort of modern day Alexander the Great?

Ick. The fantasies of a deluded, deranged, and all too powerful old man.

Be afraid.
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