Saturday, February 04, 2006
The Seasons - Signs of Spring
The Spring solstice is 45 days away. Overcast sky and occasional showers continue to remind us that we are in winter. But there are signs of spring all around us. Daffodils and crocus are blooming in my pocket-size front yard. Freesias have started to bud; sweet pea vines are climbing the frames; nasturtiums are spreading. And cherry trees already bursting out with blossoms all over the neighborhood. So, cloudy sky notwithstanding, nature is doing its thing to tell us about the change ahead.
What I'm going to miss are the chanterelles. It has been a very bountiful season. Every time my friends and I went foraging we came back with bags full of them. Delicious in soup, risotto, and just sauteed with chives and eaten with toasted French bread. Even tried my hand at making a custard and it turned out great. A glass of sauvignon blanc and life is sweet. Santé.